A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own or lease for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center.
Blue Green Technologies has high end servers spread across various data centers in the US. Our Linux servers are capable of handling high end traffic and provide 99.9% uptime.
Hosting is critical for any website and its like launch pad. Its important to choose the fast and reliable web hosting services. Our hosting packages allow you to host unlimited domains and support unlimited sites at cheaper rates. All our hosting accounts come with a control panel to control the whole workspace, create email ids, add sub-domains and create blogs. Browse our package of hosting plans, compare between the available packages and choose the best suitable hosting plan for your business. We at Blue Green Technolgies understand the importance of Web hosting and provide excellent hosting support for our clients to enable them to experience high speed and quality service at affordable rates.
Once your Website is online, it is inevitable to make changes to the Website to update your business developments or showcase a new product or just update an upcoming event. Our Web maintenance and management team of individuals can make your investment on a Live Website worthy by providing support to run Website successfully.
Web maintenance services include the tasks to keep your website up-to-date like content changes, add new products, update special offers, add new images, add or remove pages, web redesign and all those things to keep your visitors properly informed.
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